Climate forecast in The UAE from Monday 25 March till Friday 29 March 2024
WEATHER: Partly cloudy to cloudy with rainfall over scattered areas.
WIND: Mild to average Southeasterly to Northeasterly, changing into Northwesterly westward by night time, and contemporary to sturdy at instances, inflicting blowing mud and sand, with a pace of 15 – 30, reaching 55 km/h.
SEA: Tough within the Arabian Gulf and slight to average in Oman Sea.
WEATHER: Partly cloudy to cloudy with rainfall over scattered areas – important lower in temperatures.
WIND: Mild to average Northwesterly winds, freshening and powerful at instances inflicting blowing mud and sand with a pace of 15 – 30 reaching 55 Km/hr.
SEA: Tough within the Arabian Gulf and average changing into tough by night in Oman Sea.
WEATHER: Truthful to partially cloudy and cloudy at instances over some southern areas with a chance of rainfall by morning.
WIND: Mild to average Northwesterly winds, freshening and powerful at instances inflicting blowing mud and sand with a pace of 15 – 30 reaching 45 Km/hr.
SEA: Tough within the Arabian Gulf and average to tough in Oman Sea.
WEATHER: Truthful to partially cloudy and dusty at instances Eastward.
WIND: Mild to average Northwesterly winds, freshening and powerful at instances inflicting blowing mud and sand with a pace of 15 – 30 reaching 45 Km/hr.
SEA: Tough within the Arabian Gulf and in Oman Sea.
WEATHER: Truthful to partially cloudy and dusty at instances with a gradual lower in temperatures.
WIND: Mild to average Northwesterly winds, freshening at instances inflicting blowing mud with a pace of 15 – 30 reaching 40 Km/hr.
SEA: Tough within the Arabian Gulf and tough to average in Oman Sea.
Observe Emirates 24|7 on Google Information.
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